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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
Harmonizing Mind and Body: How Singing Bowls Can Transform You
Singing bowls blend ancient wisdom with modern science, offering a unique way to enhance your well-being. These special instruments...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
3 min read
Yoga & The Nervous System: A Path to Balance & Wellbeing
It's quite easy to become overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and the demands of daily life. This constant state of agitation can take a toll...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
8 min read
The Yoga of Living
Yoga in the United States is still largely a practice of performing postures: a fitness regimen. An attraction to asana practice was what...
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Maddie Hertzog RYT500
1 min read
The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Perfection is a goal that...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
Let it Be
A big misconception about meditation is that you have to stop your mind from thinking in order to be meditating. People often say: “I...
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Vaccination in Ayurveda & Yoga
COVID-19 Vaccination from a Yoga and Ayurveda perspective.
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
3 min read
July/August 2021 Svaroopa Yoga Theme A healthy spine truly is the key to a vibrant life. You are as young as your spine is flexible. Your...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
Balance and Inversions
"When you drop a penny in a puddle, it creates a splash. But if you drop it in a deep lake, it goes "bloop" and sinks in. Similarly, all...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
Its Your Yoga & Your Experience
When you look at this photo of two babies in diapers you can see that they are in yoga pose Prasarita Padottanasana or slow motion dive...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
You Are The Masterpiece
You've heard the adage... "A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, when it comes to Svaroopa® Yoga, one experience is worth a...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
The Healing Power of Sound: GONG Sound Bath
Sound is everywhere. It is our universe. It is everything we touch, feel, see, so it affects us on a personal level. Sound can be a...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
2 min read
What is a Satsang?
In yoga, a spiritual talk with a yoga master is called a satsang. Satsang is a Sanskrit word meaning “in the company of truth”. Sat...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
5 min read
Yamas & Niyamas
Yoga is more than poses… Yamas & Niyamas constitute the first two limbs of the eightfold path of Yoga. Their primary purpose is to refine...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
3 min read
Honoring Our Ancestors
"Without realizing it, we often carry the ancestors on our backs. Because their memory patterns deeply embedded within our vital tissues...
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Sarita-Linda Rocco
Nov 24, 2020
Ayurveda's Healing Secrets Revealed
“We are not tired, overworked, ill and lonely because we do too much; we are weary because so much of what we do runs counter to the...
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